TelEduc . Educação a Distância


Environment Structure

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Environment Resources

The environmental resources are distributed according to the profile of their users: students and educators

Resources available to the students and instructors

Environment Structure

Contains information about how the TelEduc environment operates.

Course Dynamic

Contains information about the methodology and general organization of the course.


This is the home page of the environment and of the ongoing course. It shows the course`s program for a given period (daily, weekly, etc.).


Lists the courses evaluations in progress


Presents the activities to the accomplished during the course.

Support Material

Presents useful information related to the course theme in support of the development of the proposed activities.


Presents articles related to the course theme, including suggestions of magazines, journals, Web addresses, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contains a listing of the most frequently asked questions during the course and their respective answers.


Tool for creating/editing and management exercises with essay questions, multiple choice, to associate columns and true or false.


Tool for creating polls

Required Stop

Contains materials that are aimed to stimulate reflections and discussions among the participants during the course.

Bulletin Board

A dedicated space where all the participants can post information considered relevant to the course content.

Discussion Forums

Allows access to a page which contains topics that are under discussion at any given time during the course. The discussion can be followed by reading through the structured visualization of previously submitted messages. Participation takes place by sending messages.


Allows real-time conversation among the students and instructors. The schedule for chats with instructor participation is usually announced in the "Agenda". If there is interest among the students, the chat room can be used in other time periods.


This is an internal mail system within the environment. All course participants can send and receive messages through this mail system. Everyone, each time they access the course, should consult his/her Mail to verify newly received messages.


Allows for the creation of groups of people to facilitate the distribution and/or development of tasks.


This is a dedicated space where each course participant can present him/herself to the others in an informal manner, describing his/her main characteristics, as well as edit identifying information. The primary objective of the Profile is to provide a mechanism for the course participants to "get to know one another at a distance", in order to create a sense of group engagement. It also supports the choice of partners for the development of course activities (formation of groups of people with common interests).


As the name suggests, this is a dedicated space where each participant can record his/her experiences during the course: successes, difficulties, doubts, anxieties. The intention is to provide a means to stimulate the process of reflection about one`s own learning process. The personal annotations can be made accessible or inaccessible to the other course participants. When accessible, they can be read and/or commented by others, thereby serving as an additional means of communication.


In this tool, the course participants store texts and files utilized and/or developed during the course, as well as Internet addresses. Access to this data can be private, restricted to instructors only, or open to all the course participants. Shared portfolios can be viewed and commented by the other participants.


Makes it possible to track users frequency of access to the course and to its tools.


Allows you to search for information by all available tools in TelEduc.

Online Users

List students that are online in a course

Resources available to instructors only


Allows the instructors to visualize the interactions among course participants in the Mail, Discussion Forum, and Chat tools, thereby facilitating course monitoring.


Allows the instructor to show materials in the various tools in the environment as well as to set some of their options. In addition it allows for the management of course participants. The tools available in the Administration are: Course
Highlight Tools
Send Password
Manage Course, Registration, Students and Instructors


Allows instructors to contact Environment Support (the TelEduc Administrator) by e-mail.

Types of users and their permissions


Visualization only: Environment Structure, Course Dynamic, Agenda, Evaluation, Activities, Support Material, Readings, Frequently Asked Questions, Required Stop and Profile
Visualization and Interaction: Exercises, Bulletin Board, Discussion Forums, Chat, Mail, Groups, Diary e Portfolio
Edition: -
Edition and Interaction: -
Without Visualization Tools: -


Visualization only: Environment Structure
Visualization and Interaction: Mail and Portifolio
Edition: Course Dynamic, Agenda, Evaluation, Activities, Support Material, Readings, Frequently Asked Questions, Exercises, Polls, Required Stop and Diary
Edition and Interaction: Bulletin Board, Discussion Forums, Chat, Groups and Profile
Visualization only: -


Visualization only: Course Dynamic, Agenda, Activities, Support Material, Readings, Frequently Asked Questions, Required Stop and Profile
Visualization and Interaction: Polls, Discussion Forums, Chat, Mail and Portifolio
Edition: -
Edition and Interaction: -
Without Visualization Tools: Evaluation, Exercises, Groups and Diary


Visualization only: Environment Structure, Course Dynamic, Agenda, Activities, Support Material, Readings, Frequently Asked Questions, Required Stop and Profile
Visualization and Interaction: Polls and Chat
Edition: -
Edition and Interaction: -
Without Visualization Tools: Evaluation, Exercises, Mail, Groups, Diary and Portifolio

Access authentication

The environment has a course access authentication procedure. In order for instructors and students to access a course they are required to provide personal identification and a password each time they try to access the environment. These passwords are supplied when they register in the environment.

"TelEduc is a free software you may distribute it and/or modify it according to the terms of the" GNU General Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation

TelEduc: Ensino à distância |  nied |  Instituto de Computação |  UNICAMP
Version: 4.3.2 Server
2010 - TelEduc - Todos os direitos reservados. All rights reserved - NIED - UNICAMP