TelEduc . Educação a Distância


How to create a course

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Course Dates

If you wish to utilize the TelEduc environment for a distance education course, fill out, and submit, the application form below.The request will be evaluated by those responsible for the environment, and, if accepted, the course will be hosted on the server of the

Course Name: (*)
Estimated duration: (*)
Number of Students: (*)
Target Audience:
Type of enrollment:
Other Information:
Institution Name:

Only those courses which satisfy the following requirements will be evaluated/accepted:

I read the above requirements, and the course that I intend to create conforms to these stipulations.
(*) Required Fields

You are not registered in Teleduc. You must fill out the form below to request a course.

Login: (*)
Type your password: (*)
Retype your password: (*)
 Name: (*)
 E-mail: (*)
TelEduc: Educação à distância |  nied |  Instituto de Computação |  UNICAMP
Version: 4.3.2 Server
2010 - TelEduc - Todos os direitos reservados. All rights reserved - NIED - UNICAMP